1) Easter is the second most important candy-eating occasion of the year for Americans, who consumed 7 billion pounds of candy in 2011, according to the National Confectioner's Association.
88 percent of adults carry on the Easter tradition of creating Easter baskets for their kids. Ninety million chocolate Easter bunnies are produced each year.(p.s 76 percent of people eat the ears on chocolate bunnies first.=)))
2)A must play Easter game for American kids is Easter egg roll.
3) In the New Orleans, it is a trend of conducting an annual Easter carnival called 'Mardi Gras', which features lot of fun activities like parade, jazz music bands and a bumper party
4) A must play Easter game for American kids is Easter egg roll.
5)A special dish for Easter springtime in USA is baked ham, potatoes and vegetables. Another most demanding recipe is hot cross buns.
6)It was in the early 1700's, when for the first time, eggs were dyed and the credit for starting this practice in America can be attributed to Pennsylvania Dutch (German) settlers.
7)As a part of Easter traditions in the US, sunrise services are held and the prime motive is to include various Christian religious groups in this event.
8)Painting the Easter eggs and then conducting Easter egg hunt games for the kids is what most American parents do on the Easter week.
To see the way the egg rol is conducted in the White House watch the video.
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