The Garden State may be short on space, but what we lack in acreage, we
more than make up for in ingenuity. New Jersey, in fact, ranks fourth in
the number of U.S. patents issued (156,813), and it’s the only state in
the nation with its own inventors’ hall of fame. What’s at the root of all that ingenuity? “Certainly, some of it can be
credited to the large number of prominent educational institutions
located here,” says Ralph Selitto Jr., a patent attorney and
spokesperson for the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame, citing Princeton
University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and the New Jersey
Institute of Technology as “leaders in engineering and science.”
New Jersey Inventors
Howard Aiken Harvard MARK I Computer - Lloyd H. Conover Invented Antibiotic Tetracycline - Donald Fletcher Holmes
invented a process for making the multipurpose material polyurethane -
Eger V. Murphree co-invention of the process of fluid catalytic cracking
- Edward J. Rosinski patented the first zeolite catalyst used with gasoline - Richard Hollingshead Drive-in Theater - Meredith Gourdine Electrogasdynamics - Joseph Campbell Campbell's Soup - John Stetson Cowboy Hats - Alice Parker Heating Furnace - John Standard Improved Refrigerator - Charles Brooks Street Sweeper Truck - Charles Newbold Plow - Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus invented an improved photographic print wash - Joseph Dickinson Musical Instruments - Alfred Kinsey Founded the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction .
Frankly speaking, this list seems to be endless, to learn full visit following links:
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